Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
Monitoring and Evaluation

The progress of approved projects is monitored through presentations at Group Monitoring Workshops in the presence of experts and other principal investigators. This is very effective for the success of the projects as mid-course corrections are suggested and projects can be recommended for support.

Review of performance of progress in annual group monitoring workshop/field visit is also considered while releasing the grant.

Considerable flexibility is built into the operation of the schemes for funding as well as for modifying or dropping approved objectives of the projects considering the ground realities thus inculcating confidence amongst the implementing field agencies to achieve the desired results.

Impact assessment is judged based on the basis of people’s acceptability of the proposed intervention, techno-economic viability, ecological sustainability, and replicability potential taking into account social dimensions. Acceptance of such interventions for wider replication in the form of appropriate technology packages/models in rural sectors by line function departments.



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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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