Working for technological empowerment and sustainable livelihoods at the grass root levels.
S & T Application for Weaker Sections (STAWS)

This scheme is aimed at the development of economically weaker sections of the society in rural and urban areas. It focuses attention on specific S&T inputs for improvement of rural artisans, landless labourers, etc. Emphasis is placed on multi-sectoral approach incorporating original ideas based on locally available resources and incorporating the direct beneficiary groups in decision-making.


  • To promote research, development and adaptation of science and technology for improving quality of life of weaker sections.

  • To motivate scientists for applying their knowledge and expertise to problems of the weaker communities.

               Tapioca Chipping Machine Developed by field group,
                          STARS based in Kottayam, Kerela


The following priority areas have been identified:

  • Action oriented innovative field program in technology demonstration and utilization implemented by S&T field groups working with artisans, landless labour and other weaker sections;

  • Technology generation and adaptation program by S&T institutions, undertaken in cooperation with, and as back up to the program of S & T field groups; and

  • Program to help the traditional artisans e.g. blacksmiths, carpenters with a view to organizing them for better earning/reduced drudgery through innovative skill development, training program and adaptive research and development.

Technology generation and adaptation program: -

  • To initiate field demonstration and utilization program;

  • To develop and diversify existing artisan-based production networks to economically viable, S&T based norms of organization and production;

  • To develop new/improved technology to improve and diversify the local economy, utilizing local resources to upgrade the skills of landless labour, etc; and

  • Identification and undertaking of these program in co-operation with S&T field groups with demonstration projects as output.





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Technology Models for
Rural Application
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